Children’s Library Membership Application

Membership at the Children’s Library entitles you to borrow a variety of books, as well as access electronic resources and databases free of charge. Each child is permitted to borrow up to two books for 14 days. You can extend the borrowing period 7 days by calling or logging into your personal account on the library website.

Applicant's Information

Parent/Legal Guardian Information

Parents are encouraged to discuss with their children the responsibility that comes with obtaining library membership. The parent/legal guardian is fully responsible for monitoring their children’s or adolescents’ use of these resources and ensuring that they are used in accordance with the values and principles of the family.

  • Accept full responsibility for all activities and transactions relating to my membership card
  • Report the loss of my membership card immediately to the Library
  • Take responsibility for any transactions made by others using my card
  • Return all materials borrowed by the due date
  • Pay all charges and fees, when applicable
  • Not cut, tear, deface, mutilate, damage or deliberately retain any library materials
  • Act immediately upon receiving recall and overdue notices; as a member, I am blocked from borrowing any new materials until overdue items are returned, renewed or  replacement costs are assessed and fines are paid
  • Committed to pay fines, even if I did not receive or read the overdue notifications
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